BoardApp is best-in-class Digital BoardRoom solution. It makes life easy for Directors, Committee Members and Company Secretaries and offers rich capability with highest standards of security and performance.
For Secretarial team, BoardApp offers end-to-end process automation with built-in compliance checklist as per prevailing secretarial standards, automated notifications, reminders and escalation alerts and ready integration with Microsoft Word for Agenda preparation. It also offers mechanisms for internal collaboration with other departments – e.g. to delegate uploading of certain agenda documents, or for the other departments to suggest agenda items for upcoming meetings. In addition to Board and Committee meetings, BoardApp helps the Secretarial team send circular resolutions also for initial approval and then for members’ vote.
For Directors and Committee members, BoardApp offers an aggregated app covering meeting documents from across boards and committees of multiple entities. Through a simple unified interface, members can access all information – even when offline. They can annotate, comment and send queries on agenda, documents and minutes, accept meeting invitations, mark their presence and vote on resolutions while the meeting is in progress (or on circular resolutions).
How It Works..