Workforce Safety + Wellness (WS+W) improves confidence of your workforce and workplace administrators, especially in current context of Covid-19 pandemic. It reassures your employees and contract workforce that best practices are being followed to ensure workplace safety, and equips workplace administrators with actionable information to ensure safe operations.
Declarations and information provided by workforce is made available to administrators, helping them ensure optimal trade-off between business continuity and workplace safety. WS+W respects privacy of workforce by adhering to strict protocols while handling their personal information.
WS+W empowers your workforce with ability to report any risks at workplace, to request for any assistance in case of personal emergency, to seek logistical assistance while reaching the workplace, and to volunteer for helping the administrators.
WS+W provides workplace administrators the ability to communicate important updates, guidelines and advisories to all or relevant employees.
Workplace Safety + Wellness Solution
How It Works

Identify and Isolate Risks

Provide Support to Workforce

Plan and Manage Operations

Ensure Adequate Evidence of Compliance